Category: Reviews


by Martina Capelli
Visual Cultures e pratiche curatoriali
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

The Sala Nevera at Casa Morandi presents Quando i Robot incontrarono gli Antichi Dei (When the robots met the ancient gods), an exhibition that combines the distant concepts of art and technology by artist Ale Guzzetti. The exhibition chronicles the artist’s work from 2012 to 2022 with a wide range of installations, colours and interactive features. The exhibition’s itinerary is divided into two levels that allow you to grasp themes and lines of research explored during his activity: an art that presents sculptures capable of sensitivity, which aspire to disorientate the individual in order to confuse and offer an invitation to engage in the search for a corresponding connection that overcomes constraints and possibilities.

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Ale Guzzetti: quarant’anni di carriera tra arte interattiva e robotica.

by Jacopo Maltese
Visual Cultures e Pratiche Curatoriali, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

The exhibition Hopeful Monsters. Sculture sonore (Sound sculptures) 1982 – 2022, encompasses forty years of Ale Guzzetti’s research in the field of interactive art. The exhibition, conceived as an overview of the Lombard artist’s career, aims to highlight the specific peculiarities of his work, that is, the constant relationship between the work and the public, between art and technology, between the visual and the auditory. This project seeks to shed light on the themes that have always animated his artistic production and of which he is a skilful interpreter.

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Different Looks

by Raffaella Pulejo
Course Director Visual Cultures and Curatorial Practices
Brera Academy, Milano

The idea that the “new” constitutes the main quality of contemporary art, and that it is in a state of perpetual disjuncture with the past, is a misleading notion. For centuries, and before the artistic avant-garde revolution of the twentieth century, it was the repetition of established, canon-based models that held the stage and constituted the core of teaching in academies of fine art. But even when in modernity artists have subverted such canons, reciting the form in a language sometimes challenging for the public, the connection of art with the scientific knowledge of its time has never been broken. A contemporary work of art, said the artist Luciano Fabro, rewrites the whole history of art of the past, and always binds itself to a genealogy by renewing its ideas in the present. Examples of the relationships between art and science throughout Western art history are constant, to the point that it could be said that no art form is imaginable away from the scientific and technological knowledge that characterizes every civilization. Even the perfect ideal beauty of the masterpieces of classical art, which so ‘easily’ seduces us, was based on the mathematical proportions of the golden ratio, and the harmonic relationships that Greek philosophers believed governed nature and the entire cosmos.

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The forest of nymphs

by Marco Vitale
Visual Cultures and Curatorial Practices, Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milano

In the work Il bosco delle ninfe (The forest of nymphs), Guzzetti examines the theme of image distortion, an operation that has been made familiar by the spread of the computer. Whereas in the past an exhibited work offered no contact with the viewer, the file that reproduces it is instead accessible and editable within seconds. Therefore, it appears less eternal and monolithic; for example, enlarging a photo of a human figure without respecting its proportions produces a curious ‘elongated’ effect: the eyes and head become oval, the neck and torso thin and narrow, the shoulders unnaturally sloping. Although the elements of the body are in fact still there, the more it stretches, the more unrecognisable and alien it becomes – that traveller from an alternative world that is so dear to the artist. The installation brings this idea to life, displaying distorted reproductions of Greek statues varying in length from one to three metres, in a peculiar transition from digital image to tangible matter.

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